In life u may face som weak moments when... |
358 Votes, |
In life u may face som weak moments when even ur own conscience lie 2 urself. Don't run away,bt face the truth,clear to urself and try to correct the situation. |
Submitted By: AdminO on: January 25, 2010 |
Only those who will risk going too far c... |
345 Votes, |
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. |
Submitted By: Aussies on: January 26, 2010 |
Do your little bit of good where you are... |
360 Votes, |
Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. |
Submitted By: Faro on: January 26, 2010 |
We look for solutions in many places, bu... |
318 Votes, |
We look for solutions in many places, but where is the solution? The solution is in the human heart. |
Submitted By: SMS Guru on: January 26, 2010 |
A famous poet ELIOT said:"When u get lit... |
354 Votes, |
A famous poet ELIOT said:"When u get little You want more,When u get more,u desire even more,but when u lose it,u realize LITTLE was enough" |
Submitted By: Jony 21 on: January 27, 2010 |
Freedom is not doing what ever you want ... |
333 Votes, |
Freedom is not doing what ever you want when you want - instead, freedom is the ability to do what you thought. |
Submitted By: Admin on: January 27, 2010 |
Life is very easy with problems, bcoz pr... |
337 Votes, |
Life is very easy with problems, bcoz problem means solution or timepas & life ia a long journey from birth to death,how could u spend this long..g..g time without problem,i.e,life! |
Submitted By: AdminO on: January 27, 2010 |
How True! The relations which require ef... |
336 Votes, |
How True! The relations which require effort to be maintained are never true, and if relations are true they never require any effort to be maintained. |
Submitted By: AdminO on: January 27, 2010 |
Better is a dry morsel and quietness the... |
335 Votes, |
Better is a dry morsel and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife. |
Submitted By: Varun on: January 27, 2010 |
So many of our dreams seen impossible, t... |
334 Votes, |
So many of our dreams seen impossible, then improbable, then inevitable. |
Submitted By: Nitesh on: January 27, 2010 |